Sarann’s Story
I really think there’s an inherent joy we all get from seeing food grow and we’ve definitely experienced this with the project and the buzz it has created in our community.
The amount of locally available resources and help has blown me away, we built a pea-frame using bamboo from someone’s garden, the local welder made us some pegs for our rope support, people have gifted plants and seeds and helped with watering and so many people are taking the produce.
One of my favourite things so far has been raising awareness of what organic, pesticide-free veg actually looks like, with all it’s nibbled bits and imperfections it’s very different to the supermarket, but so much better in other ways and people really understand that.
We’ve done seed and plant swaps at the local market, learned how to build planters and helped build others, grown from seeds (and mystery seedlings!), shared knowledge and made friends. This has only been our first year but it feels like we’ve hit the ground running and we’re learning all the time, I’m so proud of all we have achieved.